
For Visual Learners#

Use visual aids such as diagrams and videos to explain the process of designing and testing the chassis. Encourage these students to use color-coding in their engineering design notebooks.

For Auditory Learners#

Explain the steps verbally and encourage discussion. Allow these students to discuss their ideas and processes with a partner or the class.

For Kinesthetic Learners#

Provide these students with extra materials to manipulate while they are physically designing their chassis. Encourage them to build prototypes or models before finalizing their design.

For Advanced Learners#

Challenge these students to design a chassis to accommodate additional components. Encourage them to explore different materials or designs for the chassis.

For Learners Needing Extra Support#

Provide these students with templates or guides for their design notebooks. Consider pairing them with a partner for support during the design and testing process.

For English Language Learners#

Provide vocabulary lists and ensure instructions are clear and understandable. Consider pairing them with bilingual students who can help explain the tasks.