Objective |
0 Points |
1 Point |
2 Points |
3 Points |
4 Points |
Analyze and Evaluate |
No analysis or evaluation of the TT motor specifications. |
Minimal analysis or evaluation of the TT motor specifications. |
Partial analysis or evaluation of the TT motor specifications. |
Nearly complete analysis or evaluation of the TT motor specifications. |
Complete and thorough analysis and evaluation of the TT motor specifications. |
Design and Create |
No design or 3D model created. |
Design or 3D model created but does not match specifications. |
Design or 3D model partially matches specifications. |
Design or 3D model mostly matches specifications. |
Design and 3D model perfectly match specifications. |
Apply and Test |
No testing or refining of the motor bracket. |
Minimal testing or refining of the motor bracket. |
Partial testing or refining of the motor bracket. |
Nearly complete testing or refining of the motor bracket. |
Complete and thorough testing and refining of the motor bracket. |
Reflect and Revise |
No reflection or application of insights. |
Minimal reflection or application of insights. |
Partial reflection or application of insights. |
Nearly complete reflection or application of insights. |
Complete and thorough reflection and application of insights. |